Friday, August 6, 2010

You don't always have to take pictures that are true to life!

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Hi Pentaxian friends.

The DSLRs available today are exceptionally marvels of electronic and engineering. They reproduce images with the best accuracy ever (Although debatable with film purists with large format view cameras). Anyway, I am not trying to get in a debate about which media best reproduce images, but for encouraging you to try other methods of presenting your images.

There are no rules as to what a photograph should look like, except, maybe, when legal documents and photojournalist  are the purposes of the photographs. Case-in-point...I took six random images in my collection and manipulated them with a fun little plug-in called "fractalius", available for download at around $ 39.95.

Of course there are a multitude of plug-ins that can transform your images into oil paintings, water color posters, HDR, etc, but none are as unrealistic and yet as fun as this plug-in.

Check these out. No...I'm not going to win a photo contest with these, but they are special.

Thank you for reading, and have a great weekend. Go take some pictures.

Yvon Bourque


frankdphoto said...

the first two me likes.

zkarj said...

Worth noting these are for Windows only. Also it took me more effort than it should have to discover what these plugins actually plug in to! (Actually multiple applications - check the FAQ page.)

Unknown said...

It's not about which applications it works with that makes it less fun to use. I'm sorry that you run the Apple platform, but 'C'est la vie" !