Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Images from St-Augustine Florida, Pentax K-5

Hi Pentaxian friends.

Today my wife and I spent the day in St-Augustine with my Grand Daughter "Ayla". We had a great time from starting the day on a merry-go-round, to a boat tour, to ice cream, chocolate, and buying clothing and jewelry. We even had some idiots announcing the end of the world for this coming Saturday. They scared my grand daughter. I had to tell her these people were crazy and tell everyone around that they should maxout their credit cards now before it was too late.

St-Augustine is the oldest city in the United States.It is quite an interesting place.

We started the day by letting Ayla ride the Merry-go-round several times.

Then is was some playtime in the park.

Pushed her on a swing set for a while.
Took a boat tour and saw some interesting wild birds.
Ayla even helped making her own lemonade.

This is Mister Pelican that we saw along the shore.

What are they going to do past Saturday...make new signs or cross the date and put a new one?

My wife and Ayla in the Town Square.

We listened to  interesting stories about the way it was at the Castillo de San Marcos, in the 1600's. (By the way, this picture was made using the Stabilizer set on the ground with the front legs extended so that the camera aimed at the Soldier.)
This is the Castillo de San Marcos.

There was one of these at each corner of the fort.
Thank for stopping by,

Yvon Bourque


frankdphoto said...

great shots of st augustine...last time I was there I was still shooting film...

Unknown said...

fRANK d,

It's definitely a great location for photography. I have taken many more, but for now, I wanted to include my grand daughter in the images. I don't get to see here very often. This was a day dedicated to her and it seems she had a great time.