Saturday, December 21, 2013

Don't give up on me. I will have the K-3 e-book out before Christmas.


 Hi Photographer friends,

Don't give up on me. I will have the K-3 e-book out before Christmas. It's completed and I only have to 
number all the pages and complete the Table of Contents. I am travelling in my RV and I am writing my e-book, at night, as I travel.

Yesterday, there was no internet available at the Park I was in. Today, I am at another RV Park in Southern Texas and the Internet is working just fine here. I even like this place a lot.

I will stay here for most of the Winter and as of now, I will be able to work on my book during the day.

It will be out in the next few days.

Thank you for your patience. This e-book will have everything you need to know about the Pentax K-3...and then some.

Best Regards and have a great Christmas.

Yvon Bourque

The e-book uses images I mostly took during my current trip from California to Southern Texas. 

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