Sunday, January 12, 2014

30 years of Pentax & Ricoh! - on DPReview from Phil Zucker


 Hi Photographer friends,

I was surfing the internet to see how far back Ricoh had been involved in photography before buying Pentax. In my search, I stumbled on this post on DPReview from Phil Zucker. I urged you to read the full post. It very interesting.

 30 years of Pentax & Ricoh!

Right now it's almost exactly 30 years that I bought into a K mount system. Back in 1983 I didn't know that Ricoh and Pentax would be one and the same company sometime in the future. But I seemingly was very farsighted back then: My first SRL was a Ricoh XR-7 – with a SMC Pentax M50/1.7 on it! 
Thirty years later that combo still runs well, but isn't used any more. I still have it, as most stuff from the pre-digital age. Product cycles were slower back then – and we didn't have Ebay to hawk things either …
So here I present my personal 30 years of Pentax & Ricoh gear. What you see is what I (still) possess: five K mount bodies (two film, three digital), one compact (film), seven Pentax lenses (three digital, four full frame) and one Ricoh lens (full frame). To honor the occasion I had to multiply this a bit to make it more appealing:

Thirty years of Ricoh & Pentax gear in one single 360 degree view!
What you don't see on this pic is the K-01 and the DA10-17 – they were somehow needed to do it. Also you can't see a very fine Pentax lens I still own but haven't with me right now – the one of my enlarger I used doing b/w-stuff back in the film ages. 
Read the complete post and the numerous replies here:

Best Regards,
Yvon Bourque

Get your 300+ page Pentax K-3 e-book here. Click on the image below.

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