About 160 articles have been posted on this blog site since its launch. Visitors now surf this blog

You can search for past posts by simply clicking the “Older Post” at the bottom of the page.
You can also look at how many articles were posted on any given month since the launch or check the Labels.
Finally, you can search by keyword in the search Blog. If something matches your keyword, it will bring you to that article or give you choices to go to all articles containing your search word within our blog.
I hope you find many articles that cover what you like, and invite you to come back often. You can let us know what you would like to read about or better yet, you can submit an article that you think would be in the interests of our readers. You can simply submit a post to info@k10dbook.com and attach your article and pictures (if any).
We now have Miserere that contributes interesting articles every Fridays. We really appreciate his articles, which are both interesting to read and informative.
We have about a dozen blogs that we follow. You can see the top five latest articles right from this site and visit them as well. This is like a one-stop-shop.
Of course, you can also subscribe to our blog and know that you will be in the first group to receive emails each time we publish a new article, which is now almost everyday.
Recently, we added FEEDJIT, which shows where the latest visitors are coming from. I am honored to get hits from all parts of the world. Click on it and see the world map with flags of the Countries of origin and the pages visited.

Finally, to our surprise, the most visited post on this blog is about a preying mantis. Luck has it that our first post about the alien looking insect has been picked up by “Google Images” and every time someone types preying mantis within “Google Images” they are sent to this page, where the first picture, and a few other on the same page, are from our site. These visitors are not necessarily photo enthusiasts as much as they are insect’s enthusiasts, but I guess they must like the picture.
I leave you on this and hope that you will come back often. And by the way, we love your comments, so shower us with them and we will answer any and all questions directed to any specific posts.
Thank you for reading,
Yvon Bourque
I'm sure i'm the red spot next to africa (on right side) : Reunion Island ^^
It's a cool feature being able to see the statistics for the latest visitors. And I'm not surprised the mantis post is so popular, because those photos are nice :-)
Still scary, though!
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