Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Picture(s) of the day - Dec 17, 2008

"Snowing in the Mojave desert" © Yvon Bourque 2008

These pictures might not be special for most of you, but these pictures were taken today, near the Mojave Desert where I live. So far, we got 14 inches. This is very rare in this part of the Country. According to a long time resident, they haven't seen that much snow ever. Go figure!

Until Christmas, my pictures of the day will all be about the Holiday Season and winter.


Anonymous said...

Holy cow, Yvon! Good to see you putting that weather-proofing to use :-)

And now you know what I have to put up with each Winter :-p

Unknown said...

Actually Miserere,

I do love winter "on demand only". I'm originally from Montreal and also lived in Maine for several years. However, it's rare to see Joshua trees and palm trees with snow. Over here, nobody knows how to drive in the snow. I took my Jeep and went off roading yesterday and will do some more today. It stopped snowing and the blue sky is out. Should have some high contrasting pictures today...before it melts.

Anonymous said...

"Winter on demand", now there's a concept I like... :-)

I did think you'd like the snow, being a Canuck and all. Careful on the roads, you're more likely to be hit by another car given that Californians can't drive in the snow. Lucky them!

Marisa said...

These are awesome pictures! I'm glad you got a chance to take some pictures of snow in the desert, it doesn't happen often!! :)