Hi Pentaxian friends.
There has been so much written lately about this new upcoming DSLR, forums everywhere have exploded with more rumors, speculations, negativeness, arguments, etc, that I decided to pull the content of this post and just wait for Pentax Official release in May.

Yvon Bourque
Thanks for the update Yvon :). I imagine it must be interesting watching all this unfold on the net knowing what you know. I look forward to reading your thoughts and opinions on the body when its made official.
I hope I can get my hands on one soon to play with :D
I've been looking for articles related to this on other blogs! Now all the information I wanted are available on yours. Thanks for sharing.
Yes. Thanks for sharing!
It will be exiting to see what exactly the specs will be when this will be unraveled.
Salut Yvon - thank you for sharing your information, such as you can given the NDA. It is easy to get caught up in the rumours, especially as I am contemplating a new body (Pentax, of course!)
Further, thank you also for your generosity of time and effort in maintaining this blog, developing your focus chart, and building your relationships with Pentax itself.
I'm quite looking forward to seeing what comes out in May!
Best regards, and merci encore.
Wondermous!!!! Gives me hope again! I was really considering moving from Pentax...kept getting conflicting information...when the chic at the store said "Pentax stopped making camera's" I said at that point, "huh? ok, you are really trying to sell that Nikon"...no...sticking with my K10D
The real name K-7.
There are no concrete evidence that the name will be K-7. It may have it's own designation in the US. Example, the K-m is the K2000 in the usa. The name has nothing to do with the quality of the pictures and Pentax can name the new DSLR whatever is appropriate for them.
Note: Using Anonymous for signature always sends a sence of disingenuousness. We don't bite. We all like to know who writes comments. :)
Ah I've seen official photos but no specs it's killing me!
Ed Stone wrote: Ah I've seen official photos but no specs it's killing me!Official photos? Really? Where...?
Yvon, make sure you release your info at 00:00:01 on May 21st. You wouldn't want to keep these guys waiting any longer than that. Their heads might explode. :-)
Bah, who am I kidding, I'm excited too!
You've seen specs and prototypes. ARGH!!! Why do you tell us things like that. Now I'm just anoyed that you know things that you can't tell us.
That was in early March, and who knows how much changes were done after that! Nobody will know for sure until Hoya/Pentax release the camera, hopefully the third week of May, but who knows!
P.S. I have seen a small photograph of it, not a prototype.
Hi Yvon,
Sounds very promising. And fine that you and Ned are having good relations.
Higher frame rate, and shutter speed would be welcome. Better pixel screen would be okay as well. I think the new additions will be more in design and material though. But looking forward to it :-)
I just hope we get a builtin gps or at least the option to connect one. Geotagging is an extremely usefull feature for travel photography. When home from a holiday, When looking at pictures from holidays, I often find myself thinking, where was that?
Pentax proprietary technology not available in any other DSLR?
woooo. sounds interesting. yep, i'm glad my system is a Pentax.
If the K7/K30 has an APS-C sensor then no matter what else it won't be much chop.
We know it wont be FF. So 1.3 APS-H is a possibility. This would be good. APS-H is very good. Just ask a friend with a Canon.
All the other stuff does not matter - it would be just another DSLR unless the sensor is better.
I hope Pentax are not just playing catch up.
"Just another dslr" would be fine by me. :)
Thanks for sharing.
I thought the priority for this year was the MF, but it seems that a replacement for k20 is here.
I see the pressure become to much for you Bourque. Hope we havn't nagged you to much :)
I sure hope they are introducing something good. Most of all, I hope they've finally sorted out the underexposure problem. It's not a problem for me as I use the histogram to judge and take a new picture if necesarry, but many newcommers to dSLR's would just start shooting, import the jpegs and find that all their pictures are terribly underexposed. I almost never shoot at 0EV. At a minimum it's at +0.5EV, and very often I'm shooting at as much as 1.0EV and even 1.5EV. These aren't in difficult shooting conditions either, but perfectly normal circumstances. Hope they sort it out. With my old D70, I knew nothing about photography. I only shot using jpeg and had no idea what exposure compensation was, so I never used it and the exposure chosen by the camera was much better than what my k200d is delivering, and the D70 is around 5 years old now.
I'm hoping to bag a cheap K20D when the new one comes along. It's already costing half of what it used to here in Norway. Hoping it will go down another $100 or so when the new one comes along.
It's not that the pressure is too much, it's more about being stuck in the middle. The new DSLR will have a lot of improvements and will be a great camera. I just don't want folks to "build" the camera for more than it's going to be and set themselves for disapointment. But it's certainly an exciting time.
I'm looking to buy my first DSLR, and I have a Tamron lens for a film pentax body. I was very interested in the body based IS and that you can use just about any pentax lens! Do you think the prices on the 20D and the 200D will come down after the release of the new camera?
Would you be so kind as to share some specs with me or answer these questions at least if you know anything??
I have the press photos front back sides, top and with lens kit just no official specs
Will it have GPS?
Do you know much about the new AF?
Is there something special about the flash?
Dual SD cards?
I'm really excited about this camera! I'm so glad they've put the mic input there.
Everything is private!
To Ed Stone Photography,
Ed, I cannot really talk much about the camera. I gave my word to keep confidentiality and my word is gold to me. It will just be a few weeks before it is unveiled. Lat's all wait and see. Beside, what I know about the new DSLR might have been changed all together.
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