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Hi Pentaxian friends.
I finally have the K-7 in my hands (Still a pre-production model) and I will be testing it in the days and weeks to come. Today, I took a few shots only, as I had to work all day. We have some flowers around the buildings and I shot several with the 15mm DA Limited and the DA* 200mm SDM. I am going on a photo shoot in the mountains Monday and I should come back with plenty of examples.
Note that the photos above are untouched, except for reducing them to 640 pixels wide and converting to JPG from RAW/DNG.
The first one was taken with the 15mm DA limited, 1/180 sec, f/5.6, ISO 400.
Hi Pentaxian friends.
I finally have the K-7 in my hands (Still a pre-production model) and I will be testing it in the days and weeks to come. Today, I took a few shots only, as I had to work all day. We have some flowers around the buildings and I shot several with the 15mm DA Limited and the DA* 200mm SDM. I am going on a photo shoot in the mountains Monday and I should come back with plenty of examples.
Note that the photos above are untouched, except for reducing them to 640 pixels wide and converting to JPG from RAW/DNG.
The first one was taken with the 15mm DA limited, 1/180 sec, f/5.6, ISO 400.
The second was taken with the DA* 200mm, 1/3000 sec, f/8 at ISO 1600.
The third was also taken with the DA* 200mm, 1/250 sec, f/4 ISO 200.
Thanks for reading and come again as I will have several posts about the K-7 during the next Month. I am currently working on the "Pentax K-7 Everything you need to know...and then some" book. I hope to have the book out in early July, coinciding with the availability of the K-7.
Thanks for reading and come again as I will have several posts about the K-7 during the next Month. I am currently working on the "Pentax K-7 Everything you need to know...and then some" book. I hope to have the book out in early July, coinciding with the availability of the K-7.
Yvon Bourque
Well, I can't say see any noise on #2. At this size. Any way to see originals? And is this the real thing or the pre-production?
I'm interested in knowing what kind of settings you were using. Bright, vivid, natural, etc, as this makes quite a big difference.
One more thing, do you believe that the new sensor design produces less noise than the K20D, or isn't there much noticible difference.
what is the firmware version in your camera?
Odyn - I cannot publish full size until Pentax releases the production camera. I can tell you that the IQ at ISO 1600 is much much better than anything Pentax had before. I have the K10D, K20D. K200D and K2000 and the K-7 eclipses them.
Aleks - I had the camera at factory settings. Nothing special. I didn't tweak anything. I shot the pictures in "P" mode.
Aleks - I forgot your second question. The IQ is many times better than the K20D. I personnaally like big cameras and I think the K20D looks and feels better, but the K-7 produces notable better pictures, especially at high ISO. The AF is fast and it doesn't searches at all. You half-press the shutter release and almost hear the "in-focus" beep instantly.
Anonymous - I wish you indentify yourself, we are friendly here. None-the-less, I am using the pre-production firmware V. 0.38. It's a superb camera and it can only get better from here...imagine that!
I am very excited about the K7. I have a K20 and K10, plus a K2 and a couple of k1000's. :-)
What I am curious about is your opinion of the 15mm lens.
I have pre-ordered the K7 so you don't need to sell me on it.
Well, I do have one other question. Can I still use my old M series lenses and my M42's on the K7 the same way as on the K20. For some reason I just love the images I get with those M lenses.
Thanks, and I really appreciate this blog now that I have found it.
StanleyK (Stanley for my dog and K for Mr. Kubrick).
Stanleyk - The 15mm is in my opinion the best of the DA Limited. The IQ is superb and being a ultra wide angle, the focus does not have to do much hunting. The AF is almost instant. I have posted about the DA 15mm before. Type 15mm in the search at the top of the blog.
All of your older lenses will work and will actually work better with the K-7. As I understand, the EV compensation is adjusted internally when using manual lenses. They usually underexpose with the K10D/K20D.
Thanks for your reponse on the 15mm. Now I have to figure out how to save up for it. :-)
The info the M lenses is fantastic also. I use mine quite a bit and actually have a chart in my bag to let me know how to expose them (ie- what adjustment to make for either the aperture or shutter speed). It's not always consistent. I'm an ISO 400 at the highest shooter so it's not so difficult.
Great blog. I really appreciate the info and am anxiously awaiting my K7.
If you are friendly with Ned Bunell tell him his blog is very informative also.
And..I've convinced two friends who are Nikon shooters to convert to the K7. They are really excited because of the specs on the camera and the great Pentax prime selection.
Thanks again. Have a great evening!!
Stanley K.
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