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Hi Pentaxian friends.
I wanted to bring everyone's attention to the upcoming "Pentax World" Global Shoot Day.
“PENTAX WORLD” GLOBAL SHOOT DAY: Saturday, October 10, 2009
GOLDEN,CO (October 1, 2009)...PENTAX Imaging Company has announced plans organized by worldwide Pentaxians for a global photo shoot scheduled for Saturday, October 10, 2009.
Forum members at http://www.pentaxforums.com/ plan to shoot locally on that day and submit images to a central website. The global shoot "PENTAX WORLD DAY" is not intended as a competition (there are no prizes), but it is designed for the satisfaction of shooting and sharing images with other forum members.
As a reminder, images must be captured on PENTAX Day (October 10, 2009). Pentaxians are encouraged to submit photos that show their PENTAX spirit and share something special from their part of the world.
Guidelines are as follows:
Although entries may be submitted anytime, the photo(s) must be taken/captured on PENTAX Day (October 10, 2009) in the 24 hour period between 12:00 midnight and 12:00 midnight in the photographer’s time zone. Please leave all EXIF information intact.
· Up to three photos may be submitted.
· Photos must be taken with a PENTAX camera (DSLR, film, or compact).
· The photo's largest dimension should be between 800 and 900 pixels.
Hi Pentaxian friends.
I wanted to bring everyone's attention to the upcoming "Pentax World" Global Shoot Day.
“PENTAX WORLD” GLOBAL SHOOT DAY: Saturday, October 10, 2009
GOLDEN,CO (October 1, 2009)...PENTAX Imaging Company has announced plans organized by worldwide Pentaxians for a global photo shoot scheduled for Saturday, October 10, 2009.
Forum members at http://www.pentaxforums.com/ plan to shoot locally on that day and submit images to a central website. The global shoot "PENTAX WORLD DAY" is not intended as a competition (there are no prizes), but it is designed for the satisfaction of shooting and sharing images with other forum members.
As a reminder, images must be captured on PENTAX Day (October 10, 2009). Pentaxians are encouraged to submit photos that show their PENTAX spirit and share something special from their part of the world.
Guidelines are as follows:
Although entries may be submitted anytime, the photo(s) must be taken/captured on PENTAX Day (October 10, 2009) in the 24 hour period between 12:00 midnight and 12:00 midnight in the photographer’s time zone. Please leave all EXIF information intact.
· Up to three photos may be submitted.
· Photos must be taken with a PENTAX camera (DSLR, film, or compact).
· The photo's largest dimension should be between 800 and 900 pixels.
· Photos may be submitted to the PENTAXForums.com User Photo Gallery. Access the gallery directly by clicking: User Photo Gallery - October 10, 2009. Directions: Click the "Upload" link located in the navigation bar to add your photo. You must be logged in. You will be able to upload between 10/10/2009 and 10/24/2009. After this period, only viewing will be allowed for the event gallery. If you experience any trouble uploading photos, please make sure you've selected the correct gallery category first or contact Pentaxforums at: http://www.pentaxforums.com/forums/sendmessage.php
A second event, “World SyncSnap,” will be held on October 17th, 2009 at exactly* 12:00am midnight GMT. For more details on both events visit:
For more information about PENTAX products, visit http://www.pentaximaging.com/.
Michelle Martin
PENTAX on the web:
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