Saturday, May 28, 2011

From Cambridge in colour, Photo Stitching Digital Panoramas, Part 1: Overview & Capture

Hi Pentaxian friends.

The folks at Cambridge in colour have everything you would want learn about digital photography. They get a little technical, but the amount of research that they put in their articles is producing some of the best lessons on the internet. It's all for free. It is one of my favorite site.

In the next few days, I will link you to their three lessons about photo stitching and panoramas. Actually, once you get to their site, you'll probably spend hours reading. 

Digital photo stitching for mosaics and panoramas enable the photographer to create photos with higher resolution and/or a wider angle of view than their digital camera or lenses would ordinarily allow—creating more detailed final prints and potentially more dramatic, all-encompassing panoramic perspectives. However, achieving a seamless result is more complicated than just aligning photographs; it also involves correcting for perspective and lens distortion, identifying pixel-perfect matches between subject matter, and properly blending each photo at their seam. This tutorial aims to provide a background on how this process works, along with discussing common obstacles that one may encounter along the way—irrespective of panorama software type. continue reading on Cambridge in Colour.

I congratulate them for an excellent site, and my site of the day.

Thank you for reading,

Yvon Bourque

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