Thursday, August 25, 2011

I just had to share this tip I read in a magazine.


Hi Pentaxian friends.

Today's digital cameras all use memory cards. You probably have several memory cards, as their prices are now very affordable. More cards means that you could lose one.

If someone finds a memory card, they likely can look at the pictures but there is very little chances that the card would be returned to the owner. The tip is read is so simple, I wonder why I didn't think of it.  Before using a memory card, write your name, address, email and telephone number on a piece of paper or other media, and take a picture of it (in jpeg format) with the card in the camera. If you lose the card and someone finds the lost card, chances are that they will see your information as a jpeg image and return the card to you.

Now, of course, if the complete camera is lost, with the memory card in it, They might be honest enough to return the camera as well.

Good day...

Online photography classes and photography magazines are good ways to find new info. There is always something cool to learn.
Yvon Bourque


Corros said...

Good idea, but when you lose your card, and your keys, there will be a big problem....

KOne said...

Good idea but I tend to format my cards... Which means, after every time I format, I will have to take a photo of it.

What I read somewhere else, was to have 2 or more memory cards and split the pictures taken across them.

This way, if you loose 1 of them, or if something happens to the card, you still have photo's from other cards...

KOne said...

Hmmmm... good idea, but I have a habit of reformatting my cards after usage, which would then mean that I would have to take a photo after every format.

Alternatively, have 2 or more cards and split your photos across them. If, for some reason the card is faulty, at least you still have photos from other cards...

torfroy said...

I also reformat my cards, but it is no problem.
I have a word file on my PC desktop, after uploading pictures to my comp, I load the document, reformat the card, and take the picture.

Unknown said...

I also format my card after each use. Well, more specifically, I use the camera's Erase All functionality.

On some cameras you have the ability to mark a specific photo as Locked or Protected. Maybe that would be sufficient to keep the camera from deleting the photo?

Aw geez... now I gotta go try it!

Unknown said...

If you lose the camera with the memory card in it, if it's found by an honest person, you may get the camera back as well.

Anonymous said...

I put a README.txt file on the card. Reformatting will erase it, but deleting all pictures will leave it alone. It is not visible from the camera, unfortunately, only when the card is put in a computer.

Unknown said...

Some day, if camera manufacturer are willing, an internal GPS device could be implanted on the camera internals, so you could always see where the camera is by dialing on your smart phone. I know it's very doable. My iPhone and iPad have that capability and some cars now have that option.