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Oh, by-the-way, check this hotel we stayed at; Hotel California…is this the actual Hotel

Back to my magazines, it is so obvious that Pentax was a big player back in the eighties. They were manufacturing 35mm cameras as well as medium format cameras. They were catering to amateurs, hobbyists, as well as professional photographers. I don’t think that there are too many companies that have dominated more than one camera format ever (35mm format and medium format) . Nikon, Canon, Minolta, Olympus, etc, were always in the 35mm SLRs and point-and-shoot cameras. Mamiya, Hasselblad, Rollei, etc were in medium format but not in 35mm. Actually, Rollei and Mamiya tried to introduce 35mm cameras, but were unsuccessful. So from what I see, Pentax is the only camera maker that dominated two formats at one time. I believe they were the first company to introduce the 645 format. The Pentax 67 system is still used by thousands of photographers all over the world. Here are some ads that I reproduced from some of the magazines.

So what happened to Pentax? They were late getting into the Digital Single Lens Reflex market and that surely didn’t help them much. Pentax is often referred to as a company for the old school photographers. I suppose that since they were slow to move from film based cameras to digital based cameras, the new generation of upcoming photography amateurs and hobbyists never knew much about Pentax. It appears to me that someone, in a high position at Pentax, thought that Digital was just a fad. Someone was obviously wrong, and maybe that’s why Pentax was recently gobbled up by Hoya. I think that it is still possible for Pentax to regain its stature, but the market is tight. When companies like Sony purchase what was Minolta and vows to acquire one third of the market, you know the competition will be fierce. Nikon and Canon are introducing new cameras regularly, but I see that as a
betrayal to their long loyal customers. They build what I refer to as “planned obsolescence”. Old lenses do not fit on the newer cameras, as a rule. They already know what their DSLRs of next year will be, but prefer to introduce the minimum advancements possible now and keep some for next year’s newest models of DSLRs that will replace the existing models. I feel that most companies have betrayed photographers by selling their DSLRs through other venues than camera stores. Best Buy, Circuit City, Costco, Wal-Mart, all sell Canon and Nikon DSLRs. They should have kept these outlets for point-and-shoot cameras. Try to ask technical questions about Digital Photography to a sales person at Wal-Mart. Most don’t know the difference between a DSLR and a point-and-shoot. Thus far, Pentax DSLRs are mostly available through a network of camera stores and camera mail-order stores. I believe that Pentax will rise again. Are you with me?
Thanks for reading,
Yvon Bourque
I think Pentax can rise again; the balance of quality and value for money is unparalleled. But they need to learn from the mistakes made with the K10d, it's accessories and their flash system. The next DSLR (which I won't be able to afford!) is the one I'll be watching; and the new digital MF will also tell a story of its own. These two cameras, when unveiled, will be the determining factor; so I'll sit back with a bag of popcorn and await the show.
I am with you!
I'm new to the DSLR arena, but I can already see that Canon has used branding to up its price, but still having quality and features questionable for the price paid.
Pentax on the other hand, delivers and offers value, not just in terms of price, but value to a photographer, and not just to a consumer.
I hope so. I've got a Pentax k10D for a year and it's amazing, and for my new Pentax i can use all the lens of Pentax with K-mount. That's something that Canon, for example doesn't offer.
Long life to Pentax!
I think that three things impacted on Pentax's ability and position in the SLR market.
One was the move to producing 35mm point and shoot cameras which diverted attention away from SLR research and development. No real professional SLR from the LX in 1980 to the MZ-S in 2001. A huge gap and Canon and Nikon filled this gap with Canon F-1 and EOS pro bodies and the various Nikon F series pro bodies.
Second was the speed of uptake of auto-focus SLR bodies and lenses. Canon was the sure winner there with their release of the EOS range of cameras and the matching EF auto-focus lenses.
And third was the ill-fated MZ-D or K1 6MP full frame digital SLR. I understand that prototypes were produced, and the camera was being prepared for production when Pentax pulled the plug due to poor performance of the 6MP sensor. Contax was the other camera manufacturer who went with this sensor and their camera was a flop. I think pentax did the right thing killing off production of this camera, but it did set them back two to three years which gave Nikon and canon a huge head start in the Digital SLR market.
Pentax does seem to have done very well since releasing the *ist D in 2003, and I think that the cameras to be announced in January 2008 will be well received.
Chris Stone
I don't think they are quite shaking up the market yet, but in terms of sheer value for money, Pentax can't be beaten. Of course they are late, and the only way to get a significant market share is to sell better SLRs cheaper than competition. Which they are consistently doing. Kudos to them.
Some time ago I was doing a bit of reading up on the history of Pentax... its quite funny because the company was called Asahi and Pentax was their bestselling brand... so much so that they renamed the company to Pentax. And the famous M42 mount was not invented by Pentax, but still got called as the "Pentax mount". Just goes to show one how dominant Pentax was in the past.
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