In the film era, you would typically shoot a roll of film, bring it to the corner drug store or local photo studio for developing and printing. In my case, back then, I used mail

And then came digital. I went nuts over digital. What a giant leap for photography. Instant review of your images, no more film to develop, no more prints of the not-so-good images, almost unlimited post processing of your images, easy cataloging of your images or files with computers and software, and the list of benefits goes on. Memory cards are getting cheaper all the time. Hard drives are bigger, faster, and can hold thousand of images. The files or images can be copied to CDs and DVDs for safe storing.
Well, that’s the way it has been portrayed to all of us. The reality can be quite different. Sure, some professional photographers and fewer hobbyists are very meticulous in saving and cataloging their images. They duplicate all images and save them on CDs and DVDs almost religiously. They are a very small portion of the digital photography world community. Be honest with yourself, how many images or files have you lost? I know I have lost so many that I stopped counting. I think they are saved on a CD somewhere, but I don’t know where for sure. I can look at my CDs, but I don’t know what is saved on them without getting on the computer and searching endlessly. I don’t think it would be enjoyable to spend a whole day with friends or family, looking at CDs or searching your computer hard drive.
My wife, who doesn’t really like nor want to search electronic devices to find pictures of the grand children or vacations memories, reminds me all the time of how she dislikes the digital photo albums. She is always asking me to print images so that she can affix them on the refrigerator, in her office, and in an album she can show to friends, etc.
As for me, I keep shooting, and saving file after file of great photos that may never be seen in printed form. It is so much work to print all of those images and besides, I have to take some more pictures. I just don’t have time to print all my images. Last Month, my wife asked me to retrieve all the nice photos I took while visiting Galveston five years ago and I just got on my computer and got them right away…..Huh! "Let’s see, I had a different computer then…..I think they are in that bunch of CDs in my filing cabinet….no… I guess they are on my current hard drive… Huh! Well, I can’t find them right now, but I will in the next few days." That was a while back and I have no idea where the Galveston photos are.
So, I am now trying to catalog my files but I really should make prints of the good ones and put them in shoeboxes or albums. Decades from now, my children may be able to spend a whole day looking in my shoeboxes and albums and reminisce about what it was like then. In decades ahead, CDs will be outdated and new recording media will be introduced. Files will be lost in the process because files are just that, a digital encoded form of the real thing, living in cyber space. However, the shoeboxes and albums with real pictures on real tangible paper will likely still be available to look at, by future generations.
Photo albums are the recorded journey of our life and experiences. Don’t you think they have a better chance to survive as real prints rather than digital files? That’s what I’m going to do from now on…as soon as I catch up with my current projects. :)
Thanks for reading,
Yvon Bourque
Click on image to enlarge.
I live in Southern California and for the last three days, as many of you may know, wildfires have spread over much of our state. From our home, we can see one of the fires up at Lake Arrowhead. Last night, we could actually see the flames jumping and the orange glow in the sky. It is like watching a volcano erupt. The smoke is like nothing I have ever seen. I have also been watching people on TV being evacuated (over 500,000) from their homes and what they bring with them if they have the enough time, are pets, insurance papers and photo albums. So... we should do both; save our favorite photos on paper and on photo sites such as Our hearts go out to all that are having to go through this tragedy and to the many firefighters, military, police and volunteers working together to end perhaps the worse fire in the history of this state. And yes, sadly I have been taking pictures of the fire. Hopefully, we can look back and will have learned from some of our mistakes when it comes to our enviroment.
Hi there,
I enjoyed your article and, until a few months ago, would have agreed with you entirely. However, with the advent of sites such as and other similar sites, I find that it is in fact far easier to share photos with family and friends, no matter where they are. Nowadays, (almost) everyone has internet and having your files stored online makes them that much easier than traditional hard storage. Obviously I feel you should still back up to hard drive/ DVD etc regularly, but you can have your operational 'album' online for the world to see at its leisure.
Oh, and for my really special pictures, I email them to the printers and get back prints. Just like the old days, but faster ;-)
Anyway, that's my 2 cents.
I also use a similar site as flickr, but the future of my photographs remains as I wrote... uncertain. Of course it's easier to send images to friends and family attached to an email or by giving them access to wherever the photos are stored, such as flickr. That's real handy for the short term. What will they do with the images? Likely, they will look at them once and forget about them. Will you always be a member of flickr? Are there any guaranty that flickr will remain in business? Will your children look at flickr twenty years from now and reminice over old photos? That's why I think my wife has a point. Photographs on paper have a better chance to survive through the years ahead.
I use and to save photos. Snapfish is a really easy site to use, you can even order prints right from the site. It's free to store pics, and the prints are pretty cheap too.
As for the wildfires, how scary. I remember being around fired like that in New Brunswick, Canada, I remember the smoke and orange glow as if it were yesterday. I hope these fires get under control soon.
"Photo albums are the recorded journey of our life and experiences." i love the way you wrapped up your story. It is all so true. The time of flicking through albums and turning the page wondering what pics are going to be there is so much more exciting than looking at pics on a computer. I have a system that i print a batch of up to 100 per quarter. It works for me. Also, i now use photobooks instead of photo albums. I always make duplicate copies for folks and family. cheers.
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