I am not sure if I will be able to continue offering the printed books anymore. Since I print on demand and in small quantities, the costs are too high and I cannot afford it. Shipping costs are also high and many cannot afford the shipping costs. Therefore, I have decided today to make the books easily available to anyone logging on this blog. Starting today, you can get any of the current books in e-book (PDF) format for only $5.00. When clicking on one of the images below, you will be transfered to another screen and after making a contribution of $5.00, you will be able to immediately download the e-book.
I hope this will help anyone starting out or needing some additional help understanding their particular Pentax DSLR.

Times are tough in America and I hope this will make the books affordable to everyone.
Thank you for reading my blog,
P.S. If you have any problens downloading, send me a note at yvon@k10dbook.com
P.S. If you have any problens downloading, send me a note at yvon@k10dbook.com
you might want to look into offering your book on an online publishing source like Lulu.com. It may require some reformatting, since Lulu only works with specific sizes and I don't remember offhand what size your book is. But putting it on Lulu will allow you to let lulu do all of the printing and fulfillment, whether it's 1 at a time or 20 at a time. and it would be the purchaser that prompts Lulu to do the printing, not you. You'd just have to set the price at $X above the Lulu cost and that would be your profit for the book.
Thank you for your comments. I did look in LuLu before and I would have had to sell my books for more than I did this past year just to make $1.00 profit each book. Consumers have made the sweet spot price of my books at $20.00 and some still thought it was too much. The only way would have been to have the books printed in China...and I won't do that. Nothing against the people of China, but something against of the government of China.
Wow, Yvon, this is very generous of you. Will you be doing the same for the K2000/K-m and the K30D?
I am thinking of doing the same with all future books, depending on the response here. I'm not in for the money. Writing books is a recipe for making money. I do it CUZ I like it and I like photography. :-)
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