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Hi Pentaxian friends.
Those pictures were referred to on Image Insider today. I'm still not going to get in the middle of what Pentax is really going to introduce, but we're in photography and we all know that a picture is worth a thousand words. At the end of the day it doesn't matter who was wright or wrong about the rumors of the new camera to be unveiled by Pentax in May. I just don't want to be the one that leaks information. It makes me smile, sing about it, and conjure up all kind of good feelings. I can hardly wait to get one of my own!

Hi Pentaxian friends.
Those pictures were referred to on Image Insider today. I'm still not going to get in the middle of what Pentax is really going to introduce, but we're in photography and we all know that a picture is worth a thousand words. At the end of the day it doesn't matter who was wright or wrong about the rumors of the new camera to be unveiled by Pentax in May. I just don't want to be the one that leaks information. It makes me smile, sing about it, and conjure up all kind of good feelings. I can hardly wait to get one of my own!

Here goes... Sweet, isn't it!
This is the picture of Desmond Young, who posted a simple image and ask "is this pic of K30D? Look at the flash on top of the body.... quite different from K10/'s...." on PentaxForums ...the rest is making history. Almost 200,000 hits and counting.
Yvon Bourque
If these are indeed for real, the K-7 will indeed have video, why else would there be a MIC port?
looks like this is going to rock!
Why must you punish us with such posts :)
To be perfectly honest, I'd much rather this wasn't discussed at all untill pentax gives you official permission to talk openly about it. Untill then I don't want to know about it. I don't want to get my hopes up about some cool feature, and then get dissapointed becouse it didn't exist. Much better to know nothing and be plesently surprised by what they come up with.
Oboy oboy oboy. ;)
I am so much suckered in by all this teasing.
Regardless of how good new Pentax is going to be, our old cameras are going to be shooting just like they were one day, one month and even one year before this announcement was going to be made...
Aleks, Yvon hasn't actually discussed the new camera. In fact, he's said he wasn't going to discuss it. All he's done is post some pictures, but said nothing about the camera's specs.
Yes, he might be evil for tempting us with these photos, but we still love him :-)
The mic cover look like as bad as the shutter cable cover in *istD it will broken after 1 month.
While I am being driven crazy by these pictures, I'm not going to be buying it when it comes out. I'll be taking advantage of the situation to purchase a cheap K20D. So far I've saved quite a bit of money by constantly staying behind by buying the previous generation models when new ones come out. The K20D is already available at a much lower price than when it was first launched, and I expect it will go down a little bit more with the release of a new one.
I'm still really excited by this new camera though, as I don't want Pentax to "fall behind" the competition, and hopefully this new camera should spark some interest.
Am I the only one who thinks that the lens in that image is the 35mm Macro ltd? If it is, and the picture is genuin, the camera will most likely not be full frame as this lens doesn't cover FF. Apparently someone over at pentaxforums tested his on his film camera. Interestingly enough though, both his 40mm ltd and his 70mm ltd did cover the entire frame. To be perfectly honest, I don't want a FF camera. I'd have to rebuy lenses, and there would be loads of confusion about which lenses cover FF and which ones don't. Also, if you check the lens road map, Pentax only have two lenses still in production which officially cover FF. To me introducing a FF camera now, just doesn't make sense, and if they can improve the noise at higher ISO, I really don't see the need for a bigger sensor. I'm using a K200D and I think it produces great detail.
I feel that people often make a mistake when they constantly upgrade their dSLR to the newest and best thing becouse they want more pixels. I purchased my first ltd lens two days ago, the 35mm Macro ltd, and was seriously surprised by how much more detail there are in my pictures when I view them at 100% compared to shots taken using the kit lens on the same camera. People need concider investing in better lenses before they start thinking about a new camera. I plan on picking up a cheap K20D when the new one gets here, but I expect I'll hang on to that for quite a few years before I move on. I'd much rather buy more ltd lenses, as my experience so far with them has been amazing.
Also, I don't understand their naming choice. Why suddenly call the camera k7d, if that is its name, instead of k30d, or k3d, or something like that?
Well, that's just my 2c :) Now I'm off to be further blown away by my new ltd lens, and maybe drool a bit more while reading reviews of the 70mm ltd, which will be my next purchase.
P.S. Yvon, has the 15mm ltd lived up to your expectations? Some complain that tamron and pentax zoom lenses deliver the same quality, but I'd much rather have the size of the 15mm ltd than having to lug around the 12-24mm.
The 15mm lens lives up to my expectations...and then some. However, my expectations may be different than yours or someone else's expectations. I believe the lens is far better than a zoom lens. On the other hand, I am not a pixel peeper, I look at a lens for its color renditions and of course it's clarity. As I read on the forums, there might be a little distortion on the edges, but it's a 15mm lens! You don't expect that perpendicular lines on the edges not to have some sort of pincushing or barrel distortion, but is small and avoidable by choosing your point of view carefully.
I've been looking at the images that you have been posting here on your blog. I really like the image clarity and colour of the pictures you posted in the previous post. I realise that you used a polarizer, but was there a lot of post processing involved? I love the 35mm becouse it requires very little postprocessing, which I don't enjoy. When I import my PEF files I'll usually add sharpening, make small adjustments to exposure and maybe add a little contrast, but that's about it. A small amount of distortion on the edges is only to be expected, as far as I'm concerned. It is 15mm after all.
I'm really having a hard time deciding if I should aquire the 70mm ltd or the 15mm ltd next. 70mm is already covered by my Pentax DA 50-200mm lens, whereas 15mm isn't covered by any of my lenses, so I'm leaning towards 15mm. I was just a bit scepticle as a lot of people seem to be a bit dissapointed by it. If your images are anything to go by though, it looks like a keeper. Also, as the lens has only just been released, I expect there will still be some bad samples coming out of the factory. I usually wait 6 months from the release of a lens until I purchase one, just to give them time to eliminate production errors.
Looking forwards to seeing more 15mm ltd shots :)
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