Clarifications: For those that have commented on this blogsite and other blogsites, that the high ISO shots were too noisy, consider this: The whole picture above was taken at ISO 1600 and the cropped image fits 36 times in the original picture. On my screen, the cropped image represents 7" on the horizontal screen and as you can see, the cropped image fits 4 1/2 times in the horizontal side of the full image. Therefore, if this example was printed instead of on your monitor screen, it would measure approximately 31" on the horizontal and 20" on the vertical. Would you look at a print that size six inches away? I don't think so. You would look at it hanging on a wall, at a distance of three feet away or more. Now back away from your screen about 3 to 4 feet and the noise becomes irrelevant. Of course, as always, this is my opinion. Also remember that the image has been resized to 600 pixel wide because the camera is still a pre-production model and we are asked not to publish any photos higher than 640x480 until the production K-7 is out.

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Hi Pentaxian friends.
I had some time on my hand today, and since I still have the Pentax pre-production K-7 updated with Firmware V1.0, I tried to test the image quality at ISO 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, and 3200. I placed the camera on a tripod and switched the Shake Reduction to off. I turned the mode dial to (P) and set the aperture to f/8.0. I used the CS-205 remote control. All other adjustments were at factory settings.
Of course the images were taken during the day but I will do a test at night as well this coming week. Because the camera is still a pre-production, I couldn't post the images full size. However, I reduced the image sizes and did nothing in Post Processing to enhance the images. The partial images are at 100% crop. What does 100% crop mean?
I am satisfied with these results, and I can tell you that the IQ is indeed better than the K20D images. Add to that the possibility to be even better when the production K-7 hits the market.
Thank you for reading,
Yvon Bourque
I had some time on my hand today, and since I still have the Pentax pre-production K-7 updated with Firmware V1.0, I tried to test the image quality at ISO 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, and 3200. I placed the camera on a tripod and switched the Shake Reduction to off. I turned the mode dial to (P) and set the aperture to f/8.0. I used the CS-205 remote control. All other adjustments were at factory settings.
Of course the images were taken during the day but I will do a test at night as well this coming week. Because the camera is still a pre-production, I couldn't post the images full size. However, I reduced the image sizes and did nothing in Post Processing to enhance the images. The partial images are at 100% crop. What does 100% crop mean?
I am satisfied with these results, and I can tell you that the IQ is indeed better than the K20D images. Add to that the possibility to be even better when the production K-7 hits the market.
Thank you for reading,
Yvon Bourque
ISO1600 looks very nice.
You didn't try ISO6400?
Wow, those are seriously noisy, even at ISO 400. If this is as good as it gets in bright daylight, I can't imagine how bad they'll be in low light.
I had such high hopes for the K7 and now it looks like Pentax blew their big chance to break through. Now I hear they're modifying tNe sensor before shipment, which sounds like a panic move.
I guess I'm from the "old school", I can't imagine wanting to shoot at ISO 3200, forget 6400! I always try to shoot at the lowest ISO possible, thus always getting the best results. If I shoot at night, I either use a tripod or flash. I like flash with rear curtain. It produces great photos. I don't do sport photography and don't need fast action, in less-than-perfect light with a 300mm + telephoto.
But that's just me, other may have different needs. I used to think that ISO 400 was pushing the envelope. Times...they are changing!
Best Regards Miserere,
Yvon Bourque
I used no noise reduction at high ISO, even if available within the camera menu. However, 100% crop should show some noise. That could be printed at 18"x24" with the noise you actually see on the screen. You don't look at an 18"x24" pring with a magnifying glass. You look at such enlargment a few feet away, where you wouldn't see the noise.
I'm very okay with the results.
I'm with you on this one. I don't think I've ever used my K20 or k10 above ISO 400. That said I don't do sports photography.
I do think there is a disconnect between old folks like myself and people who started with digital (and I'm not saying that's everyone). I am amazed at how much people want the camera to do for them. For me that takes some of the fun out of it.
I love my digital cameras because quite frankly I don't have the time to spend in a darkroom that I did when I was younger. Still, I want to put some effort into it.
I don't use autofocus either so I guess I'm really out of touch. :-)
I also shoot at the lowest ISO possible, but I often find myself in situations where I need to increase ISO to 1600 (which is the max on the K10D), so that's why I was asking.
Anonymous must be a very demanding customer. The photos you have shown exhibit very good noise characteristics. It's very good up to ISO1600, and goes a bit sour at ISO3200, but still retains a lot of detail.
I don't mind chroma noise, but I hate luminance noise, as it kills definition. Pentax have done a very good job with the K-7's noise characteristics.
I will shoot again with ISO 6400 and the noise reduction set to the maximum.
Have you seen the D700/D3 at ISO 1600-3200 in 100% crops? It has noise too and the noise reduction substracts some detail, come on! You can't be kidding you expect a camera that cost's a thirth of the price to have no noise. I think the IQ at high ISO is really good comparing with other cameras in the same price range and at least as good as a D300 and a D50. Anyway, I really don't care, I don't see my pictures in a monitor at 200% the scale at 20cm from the monitor, I usually print them either in photo paper on in a book, so the noise is not an issue (even with a K10), I'm very happy with the K7 perspectives and I will be buying one as soon as it comes to the market...
right now the noise of the k7 is better than the DL i use .... I]d probably be happy with it ... from the video side gain = grain, so we never use the higher setting WO knowing it going to affect the picture ... and has any one who complains about the ISO noise issue ever really looked at ISO 3200/6400 film??
ISO 6400 is not really good for fine art protography, but by all means, should you see an UFO, the ISO 6400 will at least take the photo and will be at par with other UFO pictures ever published.
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