Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Pentax Ad seen on the back of American Photo.

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Hi Pentaxian friends.

This Pentax ad was seen on the back of the current American sent to me by Bob Lloyd.

Thanks Bob.


Miserere said...

Cool to see some advertising in a major magazine.

However, and not to be insulting, but if Pentax wanted to, I'd be happy to work as a copy editor for them. The writing style and punctuation of that ad are below standard. I cringed all of the times I read it.

Somanna said...

oh that's quite neat. So is it there on the back of popular photo as well? I would think not, since that magazine is more gear related and American photo is more... photography style (?) related.

Unknown said...


I think that the ads are designed in Japaan. They read my blog and will see this. I probably need editing for my book. Quote me a price. You could do that between shows with Paris Hilton:-)


I actually haven't seen the ad on the back of American Photo. It was sent to me by a reader, Bob Lloyd.