Tuesday, May 24, 2011

AlettA photographic will launch its e-commerce store in the next few days. Accessories for Pentax, Nikon and Canon will be available.

Email: brqyvn@gmail.com

Hi Pentaxian friends.

If you follow this blog, you already know about my current endeavor "The AlettA Photographic". If this is your first visit,  AlettA Photographic is a new business that is offering accessories for  Pentax, Nikon, Canon and other DSLRs. Although the introduction of AlettA Photographic was mainly concentrated around our new Stabilizer, other products will be offered as well.  

AllettA Photographic Stabilizer, available custom-made for Pentax K-5 and K-7, Canon EOS 5D and EOS 7D, Nikon D7000, D700 and D300S.  Generic Stabilizers are also available for all DSLRs. Just let us know your camera model and make.
A few weeks back, I did a survey on daily visits to blogsites like mine and forum sites as well. I was under the impression that traffic had slowed down, not only on my site, but on all internet sites in general. My counter registers how many visitors I have everyday, but since more and more people use RSS feed and other ways to follow someone's blog, the counter showed a decline in visitors. With iPhones and other Smart phones, in addition to the new trend in tablets such as the iPad, more and more people are surfing the Internet from their mobile devices. They don't actually log onto blogs, but receive RSS feeds that emails them the blog sites they are interested in, and that every time something new is posted.

I believe that sitting in front of a PC, using a big qwerty keyboard to surf the net is on its way out. Smart phones and Tablets are on their way in. Most are using 3G and 4G  (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and others) to stay connected to the Internet all day long and Wi-Fi connections are available almost everywhere. Just about everyone is on Facebook and Twitter. In fact, my blog is transmitted to Facebook and Twitter automatically every time I post something new.

...back to AlettA Photographic, I wanted to launch my e-commerce store so that it would reach the greatest amount of people possible, (after all I believe that my current and future products will be well received by photographers all over the world). I found the solution in a company called http://mybigcommerce.com/.

In a few days, my e-commerce store will open, with shopping carts, photographs of available items, videos, detailed descriptions, reviews and comments, and secure purchase capability with all major credit cards. What's more, it will simultaneously be broadcast in a mobile devices compatibility mode for iPhones, smart phones and tablets. Everyone will be able to visit my e-commerce store, window shop, purchase items, leave reviews and comments,all  from their smart phones and on the fly. The internet is going through some changes and I am lucky to live in such an era. Of course, you will also be able to log on using your PC or iMac as well.

Check the e-commerce store in the days to come. http://www.alettaphoto.com/

This is what the e-store will look like on a regular PC or iMac.

This is what it will look like on smart phones, in this case, my iPhone.

Every available items will be displayed in an easy to see form.

You will be able to shop and add items to your shopping cart.

Reviews from users will be available and you will be able to review the many availkable items you purchase.

Additional images and videos will be accessible directly on your smart phone to help in your decision making.
Window shop, purchase, pay with any major credit card, and receive your item a few days later, all done from your PC or smart phone. Aint technology grand! 
  Thank you for your visit and don't forget to check http://www.alettaphoto.com/ in the next few days.

Yvon Bourque

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